About Insanitary conditions of your locality


        The chairman

        South Nalbari

        Nalbari municipality


         We beg to draw your attention to the present condition of our locality. This locality having about 15 horse those not be any regular system to scavenging and cleaning by the municipality staff. There are no dustbins worth the name, and as a result heaps of garbage and rubbish are thrown on road- sides and are scattered throughout the area. The drains are not cleaned for days together. The scavenger hardly appears and the rotten garbage goes on accumulating. The nauseating stench all around makes our life miserable and upon the health of the residents. There has recently been a few instances of sickness and the accumulating filth had certainly a big part to play in it.

               We feel that a little action from your end will go a long way in removing this most unhygienic condition. What is needed is a few dustbins and regular arrangement for scavenging and disinfecting the drains.

             We hope you will kindly look into the matter and take ammediate measure and save us from the ordeal we are put to.


                                        Yours faithfully



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